UNA Geography Alumni Association Bylaws


Article I          Name

The name of the Association shall be “University of North Alabama Geography Alumni Association.”

Article II         Purpose

The purpose of the Association shall be to encourage and promote closer communications among alumni of the University of North Alabama Geography program, to help promote the Geography Department of the
University of North Alabama, and to assist the faculty and students of the Geography Department with
whatever needs they may have.

Article III       Members 

Section 1.  All graduates of the University of North Alabama Geography Program are members of the
Geography Alumni Association.  This constitutes Geography majors and minors, those who completed a 
degree in Education with an emphasis in either geography or social sciences, or those who have earned a GIS Certificate.

Section 2.  Honorary membership shall consist of the faculty, staff, and friends of the University of North
Alabama Geography Department not already qualified as members by the preceding section.

Article IV        Officers

The officers of the Geography Alumni Association shall be President, President-elect, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Faculty/Staff Advisor, and the Director of Alumni Relations.

Article V         Elections

Section 1.  Nominations for election of officers shall be held during the annual meeting of each year. 

Section 2.  The Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Faculty/Staff Advisor shall be voted on at the
annual meeting.

Section 3.  Following one term in office, the Vice-President will assume the position of President-elect and the President-elect will assume the position of President.

Section 4.  Officers’ terms shall be one year.

Section 5.  The election shall be by ballot or by acclamation, as the Association may determine at the time.

Section 6.  The President of the University shall appoint the Director of Alumni Relations.

Article VI        Duties

Section 1.  It shall be the duty of the President to preside over all meetings of the Association.  He/She shall
have the power to appoint various committees necessary to carry out all activities relative to the functioning
of the Association.  He/She shall be an ex officio member of all committees.

Section 2.  It shall be the duty of the President-elect to preside when the President is absent and to give the
President wholehearted support in all of the activities of the Association. 

Section 3.  It shall be the duty of the Vice-President to co-chair the annual meeting and to give the President wholehearted support in all of the activities of the Association. 

Section 4.  It shall be the duty of the Secretary to keep records and minutes of all business meetings of the
Geography Alumni Association.

Section 5.  It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to act as custodian for all funds of the Association, to receive
and disburse such funds, and to keep auditable records and render reports thereon.  He/She shall make all
such records in connection with his/her office available upon the demand of the officers of the Geography
Alumni Association.

Section 6.  The Director of Alumni Relations shall serve as the agent of liaison, communication,
coordination, and administration in all matters pertaining to the mutual involvement of the University of
North Alabama and the Geography Alumni Association within the framework of these bylaws.

Article VII      Committees

Section 1.  Committees shall be appointed as needed by the President.

Section 2.  Standing committees consist of Budget, Geography Alumni of the Year, and Scholarship.  Other
committees will be formed as needed.

Article VIII     Operating Expenses

Section 1.  The University of North Alabama Geography Alumni Association shall pay funds needed for the
operation of the Association. Funds can only be disbursed with signatures from the Faculty Advisor and one
of the elected officers, and with proper notification to the Association’s Treasurer.

Article IX        Meetings

Section 1.  The annual meeting of the Geography Alumni Association shall be held once a year.

Section 2.  The Officers of the Geography Alumni Association may call special meetings. 

Section 3.  The Officers of the Geography Alumni Association shall meet as needed.

Section 4.  A quorum of Officers must be present before any official meeting of the Geography Alumni
Association can be held. A minimum of four (4) Officers must be present to constitute a quorum.

Section 5.  Business may be transacted by a majority vote of the Officers of the Geography Alumni Association.

Article X         Amendments

Section 1.  These bylaws may be amended by two-thirds vote of all members present at regular or special
meetings provided that notice of the proposed amendment has been given to the members at least one month
prior to the meeting.  Voting may occur in person, by proxy, or through electronic means.